Lise’s Has Breast Cancer

Lise pointing to her breast tumor on her right breast, while holding her favorite flowers which a best friend sent her the day after her diagnosis.

When diagnosed, her tumor was 3cm X 1.5cm X 2.5cm approximately and surprisingly looked exactly like a duck, so she has taken to referencing it as Ducky and comments like “death to ducky” or “F#@& the duck”.

Lise was diagnosed with Stage 2 breast cancer in early January.

  • She is going to be okay, her medical team tells her it is curable and she has a very positive outlook.

  • However, it is aggressive and fast moving, like Lise :)

  • So, Lise’s very competent medical team expedited her care, and chemo started in mid January and will last 5 months. Then she will undergo surgery post chemo, as well as radiation for 4-6 weeks.

Due to this, her schedule has been (and will be) compromised in availability for patient appointments, reviewing results, and answering messages, as we navigate the many appointments and procedures involved with destroying cancer. 

  • We sincerely apologize for any delay in responses or last minute appointment rescheduling that Lise’s cancer causes!

  • We appreciate all of you for being understanding and patient with us in the coming months.

This does not mean Lise is not seeing patients or "retiring".

  • In fact, she is getting even more joy than she typically does (which is saying a lot!) from caring for her patients. Not only does her time with patients offer a cancer “distraction”, but this diagnosis has reinforced her commitment and drive to provide exceptional women’s healthcare.

  • That being said, based on the side effects of chemotherapy, as well as being immunocompromised, her schedule has been drastically altered.

  • In addition, she has already slated some amazing nurse practitioners to join the practice and help fill her shoes while she’s out, yet that takes a few months for insurance credentialing, so stay tuned.

Additionally, we also have Jessie Enell, our wonderful psychiatric mental health nurse practitioner who can manage all of Lise’s patients who are taking medications for anxiety, depression, sleep, and ADHD. She has over 10 years experience and been at SWMC since October, so well versed now in our unique style of care.

  • If you have not yet scheduled with Jessie, please check out or portal message us if you’re unable to find a time.

  • Reminder, if you’re on a stimulant medication, you do need to see a provider every 90 days (per DEA rules) for your refills.

SWMC is moving forward with the belief that Lise will show this cancer who is boss. We have affectionately named her tumor “Ducky” as it looks remarkably similar to a rubber duck in imaging - pictured to the left. 

  • Please send questions regarding your care through your patient portal.

If you’re wanting to know more details about Lise's treatment, provide Lise support, or are interested in following the cancer adventure, you can visit her Caring Bridge page (think FaceBook for cancer).

  • It is not a HIPAA protected site and if you post, people will see your name... you are welcome to do that, just know that if you mention you’re a patient, it does not protect your anonymity. You’re welcome to visit it without posting, as well.

  • Feel no pressure to visit, we just offer the link for some patients that are interested in more information, while we understand other patients are not interested, and that is totally fine!

  • This is the link:

We completely understand that there may be many feelings surrounding this news, but we want to assure you that this is curable!